Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Job security

Everyone wants job security in the time of recession. This is economically very tough time and if someone looses his job then surely he will face lot of difficulties. I am not writing this to give you tips about how to save your job. Actually I think this there should not be this employer and employee system. So in a way I am proposing to scrap all the Jobs. So there will be no Job, so no question of any job security, in other words 100 percent job security.
I think that every job should be contract based. The highest paid or most powerful jobs around the world are contract based. You take any post of CEO or the Presidents or Prime Ministers of the Nations. Job and Job security are byproducts of communist mentality. Security is a myth.(see the articles about Job and Courage at Stevepavlina.com).
The basic problem with Job security is that it makes people inefficient. Now I don't have to prove this, you just see any of the Indian government or state government
officials. Even in businesses where there is security the businessman becomes inefficient and less customer friendly. Just see the Petrol pumps of this country. I have read in many news articles that most of them sell adultereted fuel throughout the country.
Now you may argue that this is a very good proposal from the Employer's stand point because he need not pay the employee for the time he is not taking work from him. It will be great disadvantage for the employee.
Ok, So first let me tell you that I am doing a Job and I am not an Employer. And here I think with this proposal I am looking for my advantage. I feel that if jobs become contract based then they will be better paid. At present in the name of giving job security to all the employees the Employer gives a very low salary to all the employees, because he has to keep most of the earnings for security. So in a sense I feel it leads to exploitation. I think if jobs are contract based the job seeker will have more barganining power. Moreover every one will strive to become more efficient to be able to get further contracts in future. You see the people working as consultants. At present the transition of a person from a stable job to a consultant happens very late in his career. I think this should happen much earlier.

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